- London, E5 0DA, United Kingdom
- +44 7769 191666
- matanstr@gmail.com
"Kick your butt" and find who you are in Hebrew!
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Zuzana Barak
Czech living in London, studying in Advanced Hebrew
Speaking about why she learns Hebrew
Learning HEBREW while cooking SHAKSHUKA
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How to cook SHAKSHUKA in Hebrew? (Portuguese)
Emily, my Brazilian Youtuber student from Ulpan Bayit
Join a community of Hebrew learners and GROW to be a Hebrew SPEAKER
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Rosemary, British from London, Elementary 1
Telling about her process of Hebrew from a year ago until today!
Learn Hebrew and understand Jewish CULTURE and HISTORY
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Isaac, Swiss from Fribourg, Beginners 2
Speaking about how learning Hebrew helps understanding the Israeli culture
sometimes I'm sam and sometimes I'm happy
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Jerome, French living in Frankfurt, private student
Singing 'I always syat myself'
אני תמיד נשאר אני
Your partner is Israeli? maybe it's time to start speaking in their language (it's Hebrew!).
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Ole, German living in London, Elementary 1
Explaining about how he found learning Hebrew on Zoom
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Students singing 'I love' אני אוהב
This is how we learn Israeli songs
Learn Hebrew is a challenge, but you learn to understand a culture
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Per, Swedish living in Wales, Elementary 1
Telling why he studies Hebrew
Feel part of a group with students from around the world: Learn Hebrew with Matan
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Sarah, British living next to London
Telling about why she decided to learn Hebrew and the difficulties being a dislectic
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